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“Know where you belong, and you will know where you don’t belong.” – FCSH
“The Tree and The Wolf”
"Enjoy life but stay aware of your surroundings!”
(Follow-up blog coming!)
“Sometimes in life, you have to get an attitude.” – FCSH
“No better time than now!”
Don’t Give Up On You...
"Keep Digging!"
“Life Is A Rose”
“We Must Not Forget!”
We are here to experience life to the fullest. Whether our experiences are joyous or painful, we can use each experience to help someone in need. A kind word or a smile can change a person’s day. Don’t forget your experiences when you needed a smile or kind word to help you. – FCSH
When we stop and pause for a moment in life – we can see what we are creating for ourselves and others. Think twice before the next stroke of the brush and ask yourself: “Will my masterpiece be a work of love, harmony, peace and truth or – destruction, hate and chaos?” – FCSH
“In life, we have many moves; remembering movement is essential. Not making a move, our lives become stagnant. Stagnation becomes an infestation.” – FCSH
“Everyday A Gift Is Given!”
“The beauty of a righteous battle is a guaranteed victory!” – FCSH
Be careful of what you ask for; all that glitters is not gold.
“Sometimes we have to be silent and remember how far we have come in life. And to always stay humble in our successes.” – FCSH
“If we cannot tell the difference between sanity and insanity, something is not in order within ourselves.” – FCSH
“They Can Only Play With Your Mind If You Allow Them Too!” – FCSH
This year, 2020 will be a year of clarity! – FCSH
“We The People Have the Power Within Us – Just Have A Little Faith!”
"Patience reveals in time all opportunities towards a successful life. You are never without patience; you only have to utilize it." – FCSH
“Nothing in this world can hold you down unless you allow it to. You can rise above the swamp; it’s all good!”– FCSH
“When we look at nature there is a balance. When we live our lives there should be a balance. When we fail to keep the balance, we birth chaos in our lives. To keep the balance we must weigh our choices in life with respect and Love.” – FCSH
“The Road To Freedom”
You have been placed here on earth; what are you going to do?
(Follow-up on the blog page!)
In modern times we have politicians and fanatics in any given party in the government. In biblical times they were called, the Pharisees and Sadducees. Looking out for self-glory, hypocrisy and forgetting the people. Jesus Christ spoke: “Can the blind lead the blind; shall they not both fall into the ditch?” (Luke 6:39)
Stand up against evil, but don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. Don’t become like the above.
"Hate is cancer if not treated, eventually will destroy the foundation of the body." - FCSH
We all will experience the consequences in the choices we make. How will you use your Rights?
(Follow-up on the blog page!)
No one can bring you freedom, but yourself. What you look for, you will find; don't give up on you!
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