[Plasma transmits electrical energy waves from the sun, literally and spiritually (much more to be said). The plasma in our bodies needs the sun to increase our blood flow – energizing our movement. This is why people often say, “Go outside and get some sun” (much more to be said). We cannot separate the relationship of the sun from our blood – they are one. Plasma brings forth life and movement!] - FCSH
“The Experience”
Before awakening from a deep sleep – I found myself standing on a small hill and watching the people in a small city from a short distance. This place where I found myself was in a far eastern country – and the people lived in poverty. At a short distance to my right, I saw a small airship appear as the dust of the earth surrounded it as it landed. A female entity came out of the airship with a Pleiadian, or Arcturian appearance, holding a large glass capsule with both hands. She approached me calmly with a smile on her face – and handed me this large glass capsule with a silver lid filled with a yellow liquid substance. She leaned over and telepathically whispered in my right ear, “Protect the capsule.”
People ran from the city towards me with excitement in their eyes. They gathered around me, pushing and shoving each other to touch the capsule. A mist seeped from the loosened lid. An odorless gas started to surround me. I became concerned and didn’t know what to do. The female from the airship reappeared next to me when she sensed my concern. Telepathically she said, “Don’t be afraid – the gas will not harm you.” She smiles and tightens the lid. She returned to her airship and disappeared.
I opened my eyes and couldn’t shake what I had just experienced. I didn’t know what this capsule was and the yellow liquid substance that was inside of it. I didn’t know who this female was that had markings between her brows and markings on both cheekbones. Her apparel was a close-fitting uniform with high-pointed shoulders and a high-cut collar around her neck. She was tall and slender, with thin greyish shoulder-length hair. She had small slanted, piercing sky-blue eyes. She was graceful in her movement.
These curiosities lingered into my day, which turned into days. I wanted to know about the yellow liquid substance in the glass capsule. I began to research and found some answers which pertained to the sun and blood. I searched for images online relating to the female. I found images online similar to the female in my dream experience, which led me to alien races called, the Pleiadian | Arcturian race. I found more clarity and understanding of this dream experience through research, but I still wasn’t satisfied. My spirit moved me into more prayer and meditation. And through prayer and meditation, I was guided and inspired to create a video, “PLASMA.”
I needed music that would bring out the frequency and movement of the video. I connected with ‘BSILENT’ for music, and he sent me ‘Lament.’ When I heard his masterful music, I knew I was moving in the right direction. When he produced my voice-over with the music, I knew he connected in mind and soul to the project. With patience and diligence, the project came to its completion.
I thank ‘BSILENT’ for his continual support – and I am truly honored to have his God-given gift to complement my videos. I will leave his website and contact information below.
In my closing words, Sometimes God speaks to us in our dreams and our awakening hours. I’m not here to preach but to share my experiences. Our experiences are unified into wholeness when we use our creative gifts to bring a totality to a message given. When we find time in silence, we will find clarity through the Mind of Christ. We will find the patience, diligence, and renewal of our strength to complete the project before us. In so doing, you will find in each experience in life that there is nothing you cannot accomplish if your heart is in it! You will recognize and see God as the Source of All Life, empowering you to take part as a co-creator in your life. – FCSH
“Lament” Produced and arranged by Brandon "B Silent" Hicks
©2023 All Rights Reserved
Cover Designed by Francine C. Still Hicks
I thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful message of Plasma the "Elixir of Life". Having been a nurse for forty plus years am well aware of this life sustaining force. Hallelujah! Nothing in our life or Life is Arbitrary. That dream was anything but, but an extension of your receptive being. Compliments to BSilent. The music conjoined with the message that it became one.